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Buy books at and save. Qualified orders over $25 ship free How To Read Literature Like A Professor.
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Monday, December 19, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Literature and the Writing Process (9th Edition)
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Price : $78.75
Post Date : Dec 07, 2011 02:45:15
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Literature and the Writing Process combines the best elements of a literature anthology with those of a handbook to guide students through the interrelated process of analytical reading and critical writing.
Text writing assignments use literature as a tool of critical thought, a method for analysis, and a way of communicating ideas. This approach emphasizes writing as the focus of the book with literature as the means to write effectively. A three part organization combines a literary anthology with composition instruction and a style handbook so students have everything they need at their fingertips. Some of the new features include:
- New Humor and Satire Portfolios now appear in every genre chapter, offering engaging new readings to encourage student interest.
- Expanded argument writing coverage (Ch. 3) offers more support for improving writing skills.
- New readings reflect a wide diversity of classic and contemporary voices, including Margaret Atwood, Chinua Achebe, David Sedaris, Billy Collins, and Robert Frost.
- Updated MLA coverage reflects the most current guidelines from the Modern Language Association.
- A refreshed drama section includes two remarkable plays: Picnic on the Battlefield, by Fernando Arrabal, and Beauty, by Jane Martin and A Raisin in the Sun, by Lorraine Hansberry has been brought back to this edition by popular demand.
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Essentials of Children's Literature (with MyEducationKit) (7th Edition)
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Clear, concise, direct narrative that combines lists, examples, figures, and tables with prose make this brief, affordable, straightforward book the perfect guide to sharing literature with children in the classroom. Written by a well-respected author team, this resource is ideal for pre-service and in-service teachers alike, and much appreciated for its wealth of hands-on suggestions and ideas. Selective, up-to-date lists of recommended books are conveniently organized by sub-genre; multicultural and international children’s literature is integrated throughout; and an up-dated color insert features recent illustrations from picture books (including examples of computer-generated art) and graphic novels.
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Tuesday, November 8, 2011
Growing Up with Literature, 6th Edition (What's New in Early Childhood)
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Post Date : Nov 08, 2011 16:48:29

GROWING UP WITH LITERATURE, Sixth Edition, provides a practical and understandable presentation of how to use children¿s literature/picture books to enhance literacy and language development in children ages birth to eight years. All genres of literature are addressed, including ABC/Counting books, folk and fairy tales, fables, and traditional/contemporary fiction and nonfiction. Learners will acquire an understanding of the relationship between picture books and language development, brain development, media, and the community. They will also learn effective strategies for selecting and evaluating books, planning reading experiences, sharing stories with children, and using stories to help children deal with stress and problems (bibliotherapy). Other topics include integrating stories with other subject matter, and using puppetry, theater, and storytelling to enhance literature. References to the best of children¿s literature over the past several decades, including 200 new children¿s books, are provided.Kindle textbooks are functionally equivalent to the print textbook. In some cases, individual items such as ancillary images or multimedia have been removed for digital delivery due to rights restrictions.
Monday, October 31, 2011
Kipling's Children's Literature (Ashgate Studies in Childhood, 1700 to the Present)
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Despite Kipling's popularity as an author and his standing as a politically controversial figure, much of his work has remained relatively unexamined due to its characterization as 'children's literature'. Sue Walsh challenges the apparently clear division between 'children's' and 'adult' literature, and poses important questions about how these strict categories have influenced critical work on Kipling and on literature in general. For example, why are some of Kipling's books viewed as children's literature, and what critical assumptions does this label produce? Why is it that Kim is viewed by critics as transcending attempts at categorization? Using Kipling as a case study, Walsh discusses texts such as "Kim", "The Jungle Books", "The Just-So Stories", "Puck of Pook's Hill", and "Rewards and Fairies", re-evaluating earlier critical approaches and offering fresh readings of these relatively neglected works. In the process, she suggests new directions for postcolonial and childhood studies and interrogates the way biographical criticism on children's literature in particular has tended to supersede and obstruct other kinds of readings.
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Saturday, October 29, 2011
Thursday, October 27, 2011
Ecocriticism As a Genres of Literature
Sunday, October 23, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
Sunday, October 16, 2011
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Timeline 2012 (Part 2 of 16) - What causes an ice age? Part 2 This video contains: Ivan / Evon Stone discuss the possible causes of an ice age, taking into account internal and external earth and cosmic forces, the concept of a polar shift, the two types of moving poly (geological and magnetic) of the North Atlantic Current, how and what it means to experience a shift in the ground poles. This video contains some technical and scientific understanding of the right-hand rule and the creation of the earth's magnetic field. It alsothe concept that comets might be responsible for the Nibiru and pole shift. Ivan looks at the literature of the ancient Sumerian civilization of Dr. Velikovsky, the recognition that governments do not want us to believe that catastrophic events occur on Earth translated.
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Sunday, April 3, 2011
Life, Language, & Literature
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An anthology of American literature that integrates language skills.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Speaking of Science Series - Robert Sapolsky: Stress and Animal Kingdom
The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), researchers sat down with Dr. Robert Sapolsky to discuss his innovative research and answer the question: can we learn from stress to observe wild animals in the control? In difficult times, the answers to the decisions of life and death of these animals and their predators are produced.
Keywords: NIMH, mental health, stress, research, traumatic events
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Thursday, March 10, 2011
How to Write a Poem
Being asked to write a poem can be a frightening challenge but, really, it's not as hard as you think.
The first thing to keep in mind is that we can ALL write poems. Remember no one's asking you to be a Shakespeare, Walt Whitman or Robert Frost. The great thing about creative writing-not just poetry-is that there are no hard and fast rules. Well, in a way, there are-but not what you think.
Literature Professor
If it's an assignment and you're given the subject of the poem, take a pen and paper in hand and free-associate on the topic. Just write down everything that comes to mind, as diverse, dispersed or silly as it may seem. Once you have your list, keeping it in eye range, begin to put one line after the other on the page.
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NEW! Expanded Version! This is a thoroughly entertaining glimpse into the origins and development of our native language with enough English trivia thrown in to satisfy even the language experts among us. In his unique style of story-telling, Professor Elliot Engel reveals why our language developed in such a fascinating way from the Celts, to the Anglo-Saxons, to the invading French. The origins of some of our common words and phrases that we use daily are sure to surprise you. Professor Engel s videos have been described as the perfect introductory lectures because they combine just the right mixture of history, information, and humor, and because they tend to generate future interest and study by the viewer. Viewers feel like they have been made privy to inside information or that they have had a personal experience with the character or subject matter. Professor Engel s lectures are unforgettable, and its almost guaranteed that the viewer will be quoting the professor or telling others about the experience. Professor Elliot Engel brings the history of our language to life in a way that will appeal to young and old alike. Using anecdote, analysis, and large doses of humor, he gives new insights in the development of our native tongue. A Light History of the English Language is a great introductory essay on English literature, the origins of the English language, and especially Professor Engel s Writing Wonders Series. Running Time: 45 minutes NTSC Color: Copyright 2009 DVD11 A Light History of the English Language ISBN 978-1-890123-57-4
Don't worry about grammar or other writing mechanics. Just get it down on paper. When something inside you says you're finished, put it aside and don't look at it for a while. Then go back to it with fresh eyes. Now is the time to start looking at the poem's rhythm. It has to have a rhythm-like music. It has to have a flow and life of itself. Just like you wouldn't like to listen to "wooden" music that doesn't resonate with life, so your poem must have a life of its own.
It has to have a life that jumps off the page. To get the rhythm in the poem, eliminate all absolutely necessary words like prepositions, helping verbs, articles. Keep cleaning it up. Substitute words with the same meaning that better enhance the rhythm. If your poem is rhyming, use a thesaurus.
If you are just going to write a poem on any topic, often a scene, a feeling that comes over you, an overheard conversation, a crisis in your life, inner turmoil, or just about anything, can stir something inside you to begin a poem.
Remember, that your poem mustn't EXPLAIN, it should just BE. Now shut your head off and write!
How to Write a PoemKent State shootings 40th anniversary part2 ~ M. Jerry Lewis Video Clips. Duration : 9.20 Mins.Jerry M. Lewis is professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Kent State. As a faculty member of Kent State in 1970, saw the shooting on May 4, during his time as a faculty Marshall. Since then Lewis has in research, commemorate, gave lectures on the tragedy have been involved, despite the considerable literature that exists on the Kent State shootings, misinformation and misunderstanding still surround the events of May 4th For example, an important college-level Member U.S.history book from the Mary Beth Norton et al. (1994), which is also used in high school Advanced Placement courses contains a picture from the filming of the May 4 summary accompanies each of the events: "In May 1970, at Kent State University in Ohio, the National Guard of the students anti-war protesters in front of a tear gas barrage Soon after, opened without a provocation, soldiers opened fire on a group of four students on the run .. young people have been killed, shot in the back, including two women. (. Norton et al, 1994, p. 732), the class went "Unfortunately, this brief description of four factual errors: (1) there is a degree of provocation, (2) were the students not to flee when the first guard opened fire, (3) only one of four students were killed, William Schroeder, was shot in the back, and (4) A student, Sandy Schreuer, the class was gone, but the other girls, Allison Krause, was part of the event. Distributed by TubeMogul.
Tags: Kent State, protest, civil unrest, National Guard, war at home, Jerry M. Lewis, may 4th
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Literature in an ESL TEFL TESOL Classroom - Teaching Literature to English Language Learners
Professor Colin MacCabe of the University of Exter School of English says that to truly know a language, you must know something of the literature of a language.
Literature is intellectually stimulating because a book allows a reader to imagine worlds they are not familiar with. This is done through the use of descriptive language. In order to understand, the reader will create their vision of what the writer is saying. In this sense, the reader becomes a performer or an actor in a communicative event.
Literature Professor
Using literature versus a communicative textbook changes the learning approach from learning how to say into learning how to mean (grammar vs. creative thinking). Conversation-based programs tend to focus on 'formulas' used in contextual situations so there is little allowance for independent thought and adaptation of language. On the other hand, literature-based programs focus on personal interpretation of the language so students begin to experiment with the language. This experimentation can be especially helpful to the students for use in different subjects such as science.
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Per Carter and Long, the 3 main approaches to using Literature in a language classroom are:
1. Cultural model
Based on the notion that literature is the expression of: Socio-cultural attitudes. Aspirations of individual societies. Mythic and universal values. Text is regarded as finished product. Associated with teacher-centered approach
2. Language model
Literature is taught for the promotion of: Vocabulary Structure Language manipulation Puts students in touch with the subtle and varied creative uses of language. Emphasizes language observation. Student-centered methodology.
3. Personal growth model
Concerned more with student's: Maturity as individuals Progress as individuals through reading 'Literature for life' approach Promotes individual evaluation and judgment. Learner-centered approach.
When adding literature into the classroom remember to choose some good books that students can relate to. Visual books are very helpful to help spark interest in children. For older students, you can incorporate questions into the reading process that require thought and expression from the students. In addition, set aside specific times for reading. Don't worry if students don't respond well when you begin because they will start to enjoy it more (and therefore interact more) as they relate to the stories and experiences shared.
Some Literature School Basics by Lorraine Curry of the Easy Homeschooling Companion
1) Select a number of well chosen books.
2) Set a particular time to read each book.
3) Let nothing interfere with your scheduling.
4) Use discussion and research to create interest.
5) Process, by writing or narrating.
Each child should have the opportunity to read aloud each day to encourage pronunciation practice. During this time you can note and correct mispronounced words.
Older Students
*Present questions that require thought. Some questions may not have one perfect answer. Some may not have an answer at all. Nevertheless, thought is stimulated and learning takes place.
*Copy challenging writing in order to practice English skills and increase comprehension.
*Do extensive research in order to understand deeper writing such as poems. *Research authors, times and places.
*Report by presenting orally or compiling results of research in writing. The quantity and quality of written assignments should increase with older students.
*Solidify language-learning with a formal grammar course and a formal writing course
Some good online literature teacher resources:
Total ESL Resources:
Total ESL Lesson Plans:
The Children's Literature Web Guide:
English Literature on the Web:
The Literature Network:
Literature Learning Ladders:
BBC Arts and Books:
Use and distribution of this article is permitted subject to no changes being made to the content and the original author's information (About the Author) must be included with appropriate hyperlinks/URL references in place.
Literature in an ESL TEFL TESOL Classroom - Teaching Literature to English Language LearnersAssistant literature tells us why we should care Video Clips. Duration : 9.62 Mins.The literature in school can our eyes in the human experience. Read great literature allows us to understand a variety of lives. see with your eyes, feel what he felt to learn what they have learned.
Tags: jbcn, Literature, great, works, stories, living, experiences